Friday, December 29, 2006

Construction On Pause

No work happening on the Breakwater this week. The plan it for the work to recommence on January 2nd. Judging by all the emails going back and forth, the wharf committee doesn't take a Christmas Break. It is interesting how much work needs to go on behind the scenes on a project of this magnitude.

(As always, you can click on any of the photo's for a larger view.)

The obvious slope is to allow for the trucks to back-out
on the breakwater and allow the excavator to work
as well. It is not the finished grade.

The barrier is up - no work on the breakwater until the
new year.

Now I'm glad my boat is out of the water! The 'lumps' in
the fore-ground are the silt booms piled up. Maybe
they're easier to move when their frozen!?!

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